Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Delayed titles ...

Well, it has been more than a day.  My apologies for that.  Teaching Kindergarten has majorly distracted me from writing.  So here are some links and photos of the books I read this past summer to help me prepare for my future (now present) classroom.

This book is fantastic! It is a great read, makes you think and laugh.  Strongly suggest it :)


As I am partially OCD, this book has been great! It is very practical with lots of lists :)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer delay

Oh my goodness it has been an amazingly long time since I last posted.  The summer completely captivated me.  While the Summer was occurring I did not read many novels or diligently search for children's literature.  Instead I read many books concerning how to be ab organized, and passionate teacher.  Tomorrow I shall update you on exactly everything I read, for now, I am off.  Have a great day!  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

40 Books you won't be able to put down

So I have a pinterest account and the other day I was checking out various things.  Then, I stumbled across the following site and I found it to be interesting.  The half price blog posted about 40 books that couldn't be put down.  Some of them are more children appropriate such as Harry Potter and the Lion and the Chronicles of Narnia series while others are more adult geared such as the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  So I decided that I would post the link because reading is a wonderful activity no matter what the age!  Enjoy!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Children's Authors websites

So the following links will lead you to the websites of Jerrett Krosoczka, Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss.  These authors and illustrators are wonderful!  Not only do they write, or wrote, wonderful pieces of literature they are also well known among kids.

For Jerrett Krosoczka :

For Shel Silverstein:

For Dr.Seuss:

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Best Selling Children's Books

So it has been a while since I posted something on some children's books so the follow are five well known and are considered "best sellers" by Barnes and Noble.  I went to their site and looked at the slew of books that considered best sellers for children.  The reason why I chose these five books is because I have personally seen kids of all ages gravitate towards these books.  Hope this inspires you!

Here is the link that should lead you straight to Barnes & Nobel's site: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s?SRT=sa&store=kids
Now a Movie!
Such a fun book to read, not only for little ones but for  older audiences as well.

I found the Warrior Series to be super popular with the Fourth Grade class that I currently working with. 

So popular with the toddlers that I work with!

My favorite!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Libraries in Movies

In addition to libraries being known world wide for what they hold, their architecture structure, their age etc.  There are also some well known libraries for the simple fact that they are depicted in a movie.  Some movies that incorporate library scenes are: Hugo, the Harry Potter series, Beauty and the Beast, The Day After Tomorrow and Indian Jones.  Below are a few pictures of some of these libraries.

***Once again, I do not own and did not take any of the below pictures***


             The Bodleian Library (Used in the Harry Potter movies)

                                     Beauty and the Beast

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Famous Libraries

Here are some picture of three famous libraries, two out of the three are within the United States and one is not.  Libraries are a wonderful place to explore, there are so many stories, thoughts, and ideas all in one location - can't get much better than that!

***None of these pictures belong to me, I merely looked up the places on Google Images***

     Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (New Haven, Connecticut)

              Long Room Library (Trinity College Library, Dublin)

                                   New York Public Library